New Infant Adoption Services Expand Options for Birth and Adoptive Parents


The decision to adopt a child is often the result of months or even years of heartfelt consideration. You’ve considered whether adoption was the right fit for your family. You’ve made sure you were financially and mentally ready to provide for a child. Your home has been prepared with care and hearts are open wide. You eagerly anticipate welcoming a child into your family, only to find that your preferred adoption agency’s family pool is closed. 

Currently, waiting families far outnumber children waiting to be adopted, meaning adoption waitlists can be long. You may not even be able to join the family pool at some agencies to be considered by birth parents right away.  

At Boys & Girls Aid, we want to give all children the opportunity to find a family. That’s why we now offer infant adoption services designed to initiate your adoption journey promptly, regardless of whether you eventually adopt with our agency. These services are available to residents of Oregon and southwest Washington and include:  

These new services allow waiting families to begin the adoption process immediately, and to proactively explore adoption options through self-matching digital platforms, adoption professionals, and adoption attorneys throughout the United States. 

Home Studies 

“As the infant adoption landscape has changed, our infant adoption team has carefully considered ways to best serve families in this new landscape. To offer families the most flexibility in their adoption journey, Boys & Girls Aid is now providing home study services that will allow families to obtain a home study they can use on various local and national platforms," said Elizabeth Sale, Vice President of Services at Boys & Girls Aid. 

A home study is required in all states to adopt any child, whether an infant, toddler, or a child from the foster care system. Our skilled adoption specialists at Boys & Girls Aid conduct comprehensive home studies, ensuring families are well-prepared and equipped with educational resources.  

"Our highly skilled and experienced home study social workers can support families in obtaining a home study that allows them to pursue a variety of options for building their family through adoption," Sale said.   

Boys & Girls Aid operates from a solid ethical base, and our home studies are faster and more competitively priced than other agencies. Your home study, valid for domestic adoption across the United States, is a beacon of opportunity. With our efficient process typically taking two months, children can find their loving homes without delay. Anyone with a completed Boys & Girls Aid home study is also eligible to enter our full-service infant adoption program when there is an opening. Currently, our waiting pool is open and accepting new families.


Post-Placement Services 

For Oregon and southwest Washington families, our post-placement supervision visits support a smooth transition to parenthood. Even if you don’t adopt through our agency, these vital services are available.  

Adopting from another state? We meet the post-placement requirements mandated by that state's court, ensuring children's well-being across borders. 

Child-Specific Adoption Services 

Some families may already know the child they’d like to adopt. The child might be a family member, a child in foster care, or another privately arranged adoption. Boys & Girls Aid provides tailored home studies and post-placement services, ensuring every child's unique needs are met. 


Our Commitment to Children 

Boys & Girls Aid's unwavering ethical stance, competitive pricing, and swift services underscore our commitment to children's well-being. Our legacy spans over a century and we’ve placed over 100,000 children into loving homes. We emphasize confidentiality, privacy, and birth mother support. Pioneering LGBTQIA+ inclusive adoptions for three decades, we ensure all families, regardless of background, can embrace the joy of parenting. 

Boys & Girls Aid supports open adoptions. We believe that some form of openness is in the best interest for all involved—especially the child. We help families establish a comfortable degree of openness and help facilitate contact with the birth family. 

To learn more about our infant adoption services, visit To take the next step towards becoming a solid foundation in a child's life, reach out to Dara Michelini at 971-222-7420. Together, we create a brighter future for children- one filled with love, support, and family. 

Beth Reiners