Family Updates


We love when the families we served send us photo updates!


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Mae moved between seven different homes while in foster care. She was matched with Sena in 2015, the adoption finalized the following year. The two have an inseparable bond, and are enjoying life in Hawaii. 

Sena reports: "Mae has been learning a lot this year in 5th grade—she especially likes science and math. She just was awarded the Creativity Award for term three, which her classmates nominated and voted for. She enjoys swimming in the pool, origami and crocheting. 

Mae is now learning to adjust to online education for the rest of the school year. She will be starting middle school next year at a new school and will get to ride the city bus!" 


Watch Mae’s Adoption Story


Mariah, Sage & Gavin 


In 2018 Erin and Sarah adopted siblings Mariah, Sage and Gavin. They continue to grow—at least three inches (each!) in the last year—and even more so emotionally. 

Erin tells us, "In the last year, Mariah has made so many close friends and has fallen even more in love with swimming, martial arts and science projects. She is becoming so confident. Sage is keeping busy with swimming and multi-media art. Her latest goal is to take piano lessons with her best friend. Her sense of humor and creativity are so nice to experience everyday. Gavin is busy remembering and memorizing everything, whether it be swimming strokes, sight words or spelling his full "cool" name. Watching him understand the world in his own quirky way is so rewarding. 

We are looking forward to more beach trips and their first international adventure to Costa Rica as soon as things calm down." 


Watch Mariah, Sage & Gavis’s Adoption Story



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Two years ago we shared Alex's story when, after 15 foster homes in 11 years, Jenny and Stephen stepped forward to be his forever family. They are now in the last stages of the adoption process and expect to finalize this summer! 

Jenny says things are going great and shares: "Alex is a sophomore in high school. He works hard at academics, but enjoys the social aspects of school more than anything else. Alex is on the swim team and track team, and shreds the ski slopes every chance he gets. 

Alex has been working at Dairy Queen for almost a year, and is looking forward to celebrating his 16th birthday. He successfully completed driver’s education and plans to be at the DMV on his birthday to get his license!" 


Watch Alex’s Adoption Story.


Birth Mother's Reflections On Choosing Adoption


1885 to 2020: The Purpose Continues