An Inspiring Family's Fostering Journey
Natalie has always been passionate about helping kids. She first became involved with Boys & Girls Aid as a sponsor for our first annual Hops ‘n’ Scotch event in 2016. It was at this event that Natalie knew she wanted to do more. Natalie is now a member of our Board of Ambassadors and an amazing foster parent along with her husband. She decided to share their story with us.
Have you ever heard the saying, “if you want to make God laugh, make a plan?” If that’s true, God must think I’m a comedian. I’ve always been a planner, and for as long as I can remember my biggest aspiration was to be a mom. I just didn’t realize at that time it would mean being a foster mom.
I started my journey at Boys and Girls aids’ Hops n Scotch event in 2016. Move by their mission, I quickly got more involved by joining their Board of Ambassadors. Soon after, I met the man of my dreams. We quickly fell in love as I learned he was equally as passionate to bringing hope and love to those less fortunate. Soon after we were married, in typical fashion, we got a dog, bought a house and tried to start a family of our own.
“They just need an environment where they feel loved and supported, where they can just be a kid and not worry about where their next meal is coming from or if they’ll have a warm bed to find rest in.”
As it turns out, it’s not as easy as some say, so we discussed other options. It was at a Foster Talks we learned of shocking statistics like 8000 kids are in the system here in Oregon, all in desperate need of loving families and a safe home. After seeing and helping the homeless for years, I was saddened to learn how many kids aged out of the system into that life. It was an easy decision for us, as this was how we could help.
During several months of training, we often asked ourselves, “Are we really ready for this?” After all, these kids often have challenging behaviors, are cognitively delayed and would need extra TLC. Our answer always ended in yes, but most of that peace came from the amazing support that Boys and Girls Aid offered.
After our certification, while waiting for our long-term placement, we had the opportunity to do some weekend relief care for other foster parents. One kid, in particular, pulled on our heart strings. Tyler was 17, just a month shy of his 18th birthday. I was shocked how quickly he opened up to us about his life and fears he was soon-to-be facing. Here he was, about to enter his senior year of high school unsure of whether he would even have a home. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and hoped that we had the opportunity to help a kid just like him.
I cannot put into words the joy and relief I felt when we got our placement call a few weeks later, that this same young man was being considered for a transitional program as we could be his foster parents. There was no hesitation, we were thrilled to welcome him into our home.
When they shared his file, we were told that he would need additional support in school, and that while he may be almost 18, his behaviors reflected of someone much younger. We were also told he was on probation, working towards reconciliation and to be weary of some potential behaviors and his safety plan. Again, we asked the question, are we ready for this?
The day I picked him up from his after-school program, he was literally jumping up and down in the street with excitement. Once again, it was confirmed, that no matter what we might face in the days to come, we are capable of this. Immediately, I felt so much joy and love for someone, like what I think a new mother would feel after giving birth. That day, he knew he was safe, he had a home and I became a mom.
It hasn’t always been easy, but every day we are reminded what the power of love and security can do for kids, of any age! He went from an almost HS dropout with failing classes to recently earning honor roll. He got to enjoy his first real Christmas as a family unit. He got a job at Topgolf and is learning how to budget and save for his future. He’s had the opportunity to serve the homeless alongside us and what it means to be a giver and a good friend.
When people imagine kids in the system, I think we often think of the worst. But I can tell you that these kids are just like every other kid. They have dreams and aspirations, full of joy and are incredibly resilient. They just need an environment where they feel loved and supported, where they can just be a kid and not worry about where their next meal is coming from or if they’ll have a warm bed to find rest in.