Supporting Children in Foster Care All Year


Kim Gellatly’s continued support and generosity is making a difference in the lives of the children we serve in our programs. Thank you, Kim, for all you do and for sharing the reasons why you decided to support the children we serve at Boys & Girls Aid.

I heard of Boys and Girls Aid about three years ago from a dear friend of mine, Jane Loeffler who told me about this wonderful organization.

When you see and hear the gravity of the size of the need you can’t help but know that if you can help, you absolutely must help in any way you are able.
— Kim Gellatly

I attended Fostering Futures and was very moved by the stories of the children and the families and wanted to support in any way.

My family and I are supporting the organization financially, but we have also supported in the past with planning birthday parties for the children at The Nest, holiday events, and social gatherings.

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Seeing the children’s smiles when we come over for an event we helped and supported makes me very happy. These kids have seen and lived through more difficult things than I can even wrap my mind around and it brings me to tears that such innocent children would have to endure these things. Seeing them smile and laugh and play at an event that we helped to host makes it so fulfilling.

I am inspired by the staff at Boys & Girls Aid, by their energy and skills. I come in to help with finances or event planning, but it is they who work tirelessly every day to support these children.

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When you see and hear the gravity of the size of the need you can’t help but know that if you can help, you absolutely must help in any way you are able.

When I look at the amount of children in foster care and how much they are hurting and they have done nothing at all to deserve this challenging life and I look at how ridiculously blessed I am, I can’t help but remember that it is our duty to help those less fortunate than us. I have been blessed so much more greatly in the smiles of these children. They need us and it is an honor to help them.


Support Youth in Foster Care

An Inspiring Family's Fostering Journey


5 Ways to Support Youth in Foster Care


An Inspiring Family's Fostering Journey